News has moved it is now on our Facebook page

September 2013 'Frank' Marstenmoor Melting Point wins Best of Breed at Melbourne Royal and also makes the final 8 group lineup.


September 2013 'Maeve' Marstenmoor Melted Wishes wins Best of Breed at Adelaide royal and also gets 4th in group a feat that we don't believe has been obtained by a Mastiff this century.

8 Feb 2013 Our Tenth litter arrives

14 December 2012 'Maeve' Marstenmoor Melted Wishes gets her Australian Champion Title

13th December 2012 ' 'Amba' Aust. Ch. Marstenmoor Flaming Skyline has been inseminated with fresh semen from 'CJ' Yangerdook The Bushranger. Amba will have an ultrasound on 2nd January 2013 to hopefully confirm the presence of a large litter!

26 May 2012 - Great results from the MCOV 2012 Championship show with dogs from our breeding (Marstenmoor & Yanoor) or sired by Clinton dogs won every class in show including special classes except for Baby Puppy & Junior which we did not complete in. Full results can be seen on the MCOV web site

27 December 2011 Clinton's son, 'Bruce', Yangerdook The Jackaroo, attained his Australian Champion title at just 14 months of age. Bruce has been expertly handled by his owner Janet Fenton and supported by Paul Fenton and Gabrielle Simmonds. This is Janet's first show dog and she couldn't have picked a harder breed to learn with but she has trained him so well. On the day that Bruce gained his title, he was also one of only three dogs run for the Group. The Group line-up included Grand Champions and Royal Group placers so he was in very good company. He was then awarded Best Junior in Group!

20 December 2011 ' BISS Can. Am. Ch. Fireside's Major League Delight, Canada, has been confirmed pregnant to Clinton's frozen semen. The litter is due on 19th January 2012. Contact Annie Theriault begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting, Abellio Mastiffs, Canada

30 November 2011 -  DNA results are finally completed for Amba's puppies. They are ALL sired by Clinton which we cannot believe. The timing of the breeding was all done around using frozen semen so we should have been too late for Clinton to sire a large litter. Very disappointed. Love having Clinton babies but really wanted some Aidan ones too to give more breeding options in the future.


29 November 2011 -  CJ's hips and elbows have been scored. His hips total 8 and both of his elbows are Grade 0. Very pleasing results!

30 September 2011 ' At the Royal Melbourne Show, 'Nita' Marstenmoor Lapp O Luxury was awarded Runner-Up Best of Breed and Bitch Challenge; Clinton's young son, 'Bruce', Yangerdook The Jackaroo owned by Janet & Paul Fenton and Debbie & Brodie Hobbs was awarded Reserve Dog Challenge; and Clinton's son, 'Billy', Aust. Ch. Brydonhall Black Knight, owned by Derek Chamberlain and his breeders Anne-Marie and Phil O'Grady, was awarded 1st in the Open Dog class. He was handled by Gabrielle Simmonds. 'Zorro' Marstenmoor Lapp It Up, owned by Clive Saultry and Gabrielle & Paul Simmonds was expertly handled by Kathleen Reynolds (NZ) but placed second to his more experienced cousin, Bruce. Well done team!
'Callie' Ch. Grangeview Phantom O The Opera (AI) and 'Amba' Marstenmoor Flaming Skyline were entered but did not attend.


16 September 2011 ' AMBA'S PUPPIES HAVE ARRIVED!

'Amba' Marstenmoor Flaming Skyline has six puppies now at home. There is one brindle male, two apricot males, one brindle bitch, one apricot bitch and one fawn bitch.

The litter will be DNA tested at six weeks of age for parent verification to determine the sire. Intentionally, this was a dual sire litter. Firstly, frozen semen from 'Aidan' Am Ch Goldleaf's Everybody's Talkin was used and then 30 hours later, fresh semen from 'Clinton' Aust Ch Yanoor Tip O The Iceberg (AI) was used. The two brindle puppies belong to Clinton but we do not know about the others, as Clinton also has the potential to produce apricot and fawn with this breeding.

18th September 2011 - Clinton's young son, 'Bruce', Yangerdook The Jackeroo was awarded Reserve Dog Challenge and Runner Up Best of Breed at the Association of All Mastiffs Breeds of Victoria Championship Show. There were 23 Mastiffs entered and 12 kennels represented amongst these entries. This did not include Marstenmoor or Yanoor as we were home with puppies. Bruce was the only Clinton offspring to be exhibited so quite an achievement at just 12 months of age! Janet and Paul Fenton were extremely proud of their boy and his performance, as well as enjoying the show.

7th September 2011 - Clinton's son, 'Billy', Aust. Ch. Brydonhall Black Knight, owned by Derek Chamberlain and his breeders Anne-Marie and Phil O'Grady,  was awarded Best of Breed at the Royal Adelaide Show. He was handled by Gabrielle Simmonds.

Clinton's young son, 'Bruce', Yangerdook The Jackeroo was awarded Reserve Dog Challenge at the Royal Adelaide Show at just 12 months of age. He was expertly handled by his owner Janet Fenton.

'Amba' Marstenmoor Flaming Skyline is pregnant, puppies due on the mid September

21st & 22nd July 2011 ' 'Amba' Marstenmoor Flaming Skyline has been inseminated with frozen semen from 'Aidan' Am. Ch. Goldleaf's Everybody's Talkin owned by Monica Coyle begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting, Jann Lanz & Laura Watson (USA). Visit for Aidan's photos, pedigree and full health testing. Then 24 hours later, Amba was inseminated with fresh semen from 'Clinton' Aust. Ch. Yanoor Tip O The Iceberg (AI). Amba will have an ultrasound on 18th August 2011 to hopefully confirm the presence of a large litter!

19th July 2011 ' The new dog runs are usable and almost finished apart from some minor touches and some new beds, buckets and feeding stands. A major DIY project that would not have come together without the help and expertise of Clyde Owen. Paul's advice to those contemplating a DIY shed kit......DON'T!!!!!!!! Pictured in photo L ' R: Clinton, Patsy (both 5.5 years), Callie (almost 2 years) and Nita (11 months).

7th & 8th July 2011 - Clinton's son, 'Gusti', Gustav of the Cheese Hill (Imp. Germany), owned by Alex & Tina Mertens, Austria, was awarded 3rd placing in the Youth Dog class at both the WORLD DOG SHOW and the Paris Dog Show! Congratulations to Gusti's breeder, Uta Naumann begin_of_the_skype_highlightingend_of_the_skype_highlighting. Also to his fabulous dad and mum ' Clinton and Dolce.

27 June 2011 - Clinton's son, 'Hunter', Am. Ch. Harmony's Sir Iceberg Hunter of Dreams, attained his International Champion title and took a Group 3 placing! Congratulations to his owner Lisa Willman and Hunter's breeder, Monica Coyle begin_of_the_skype_highlightingend_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlightingend_of_the_skype_highlighting. Also to his fabulous dad and mum ' Clinton and Dreamer.

19 June 2011 - Clinton's son, 'Gusti', Gustav of the Cheese Hill (Imp. Germany), owned by Alex & Tina Mertens, Austria, was awarded BEST IN GROUP 4 (as well as CAC, CACIB and BOB)! Congratulations to Gusti's breeder, Uta Naumann begin_of_the_skype_highlightingend_of_the_skype_highlighting. Also to his fabulous dad and mum ' Clinton and Dolce.

13 June 2011 - Clinton's son, 'Kane',  Can. Ch Sisu Rocks You Like A Hurricane, was awarded BRED BY EXHIBITOR GROUP 3. Kane is breeder / owner handled by Taru Korrensuo and well supported by his other owners: Dave Barnes, Jamie Morris and Sharon Low. Congratulations to team Kane! Also to his fabulous dad and mum ' Clinton and Tess.

21st May 2011 ' Nita was awarded Best Junior in Group at the Classic Dog Show.

22 May 2011 Clinton's son, 'Bruno',  Am Ch Harmony's West Coast Heart Breaker, was awarded his first Best of Breed, CGC, TDI. Congratulations to Doug, Jenna and Bruno's breeder, Monica Coyle begin_of_the_skype_highlightingend_of_the_skype_highlighting. Also to his fabulous dad and mum ' Clinton and Dreamer.

 21 May 2011 ' Nita was awarded Best Junior in Group at the Dogs Victoria QLD Flood Relief Championship Show.

 21 May 2011 ' Clinton's daughter in Canada, 'Isabelle', Abellio Isabelle At Sweetiron was awarded Best Puppy in Group at her very first show! Congratulations to her owner Linda and Isabelle's breeder, Annie Theriault begin_of_the_skype_highlightingend_of_the_skype_highlighting. Also to his fabulous dad and mum ' Clinton and Dehlia.

16 April 2011 -  At the Mastiff Club of Victoria Championship Show, Australia, Clinton's progeny were awarded BEST EXHIBIT IN SHOW, BEST OPPOSITE SEX, RESERVE BEST BITCH, BEST AUSTRALIAN BRED IN SHOW, BEST MINOR PUPPY IN SHOW, BEST INTERSTATE EXHIBIT & BEST HEADED DOG. He proves himself yet again as a valuable stud dog!




Marstenmoor & Yanoor bred Mastiffs were also awarded BEST PUPPY IN SHOW, BEST LIMIT IN SHOW, BEST HEADED BITCH, BEST APRICOT & BEST DAM & PROGENY.

See the MCOV website for further results as well as individual profiles for our dogs

26th March 2011 ' Nita was awarded Reserve Best Bitch and Best Opposite Puppy at the Utility Dog Club of Victoria club competition. There were 72 entries.

She is pictured here with judge Maureen Gostelow.

20 March 2011 - Clinton's son, 'Hunter', Harmony's Sir Iceberg Hunter of Dreams, attained his American Champion title with a 5 point major! Congratulations to Lisa and Hunter's breeder, Monica Coyle begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting. Also to his fabulous dad and mum ' Clinton and Dreamer.

5th March 2011 - At his first eligible show, CJ was awarded BOB and earned points towards his Australian Championship. Being the youngest Mastiff exhibit, this was quite an achievement.

26th February 2011 - At his first eligible show, Zorro was awarded points towards his Australian Championship title as well as RUBOB and Minor Puppy in Group. Amba was awarded BOB. At the Open Show that followed, Nita was awarded Best Minor Puppy in SHOW.

13th February 2011 - At his first eligible show, Huck was awarded points towards his Australian Championship title as well as RUBOB. At the Open Show that followed, he was awarded Best Puppy in Group.

2 January 2011 - Callie and Nita both take out group wins at the Central Gippsland Kennel Club Championship show. Video highlights on YouTube click here

1 January 2011 - Callie wins Dogzonline Mastiff Rising Star award for 2010 click here for link

28 December 2010 - Ger. Ch. Daydream-Diva von der Villa Graf, France, has delivered 2 fawn bitches to Clinton's frozen semen.

17 ' 20 November 2010 - Am. Can Ch. Fireside's Major League Delight, Canada, had an elective c-section. Eight puppies were delivered with one passing away in the first day. Dehlia was very ill and the cause could not be isolated. Her symptoms were erratic and so many tests were performed at the Emergency Clinic. Three days after the elective c-section, she delivered a dead puppy! An x-ray revealed that she had yet another puppy still inside her. By some miracle, this puppy was still alive and was delivered. So the litter alive consists of eight: three brindle males, one apricot male, two brindle females and two fawn females. Contact Annie Theriault, Abellio Mastiffs, Canada


31 October 2010 ' Ger. Ch. Daydream-Diva von der Villa Graf, France, has been inseminated with Clinton's frozen semen. Contact Corinna Reich

2 November 2010 Melbourne Cup Day. As usual, we attended the largest single day All Breeds Championship show in the Southern Hemisphere ' Sunbury Canine Club Championship Show. We wore our hats and fascinators, enjoyed great food for lunch, bet on the horse races, and of course showed the dogs. Callie was Runner-Up Best of Breed, Best Bitch and Best Junior. A very enjoyable day and a great outing for the puppies.


31 October 2010  Two of Clinton's brindle babies born at Yangerdook (Dam: Yangerdook Heres Lookin At U) have come to our home. One will remain here and be owned by the Yanoor partnership of Gabrielle and Paul Simmonds and Debbie Hobbs.  We are very excited about a Clinton male puppy in the show ring. (photos below)


October 2010 In one week, Clinton is the very proud sire of three new champions, in three separate countries! Callie in Australia at 13 months; Bruno in the USA at 12 months; and Kane in Canada at 14 months. Quite an achievement really. 


31 October 2010 Clinton's son, 'Kane',  Sisu Rocks You Like A Hurricane, attained his Canadian Champion title at the biggest show weekend in Canada for 2010. Kane is breeder / owner handled by Taru Korrensuo and well supported by his other owners: Dave Barnes, Jamie Morris and Sharon Low. Congratulations to team Kane! Also to his fabulous dad and mum ' Clinton and Tess. (photo below)


24 October 2010 Clinton's son, 'Bruno',  Harmony's West Coast Heart Breaker, attained his American Champion title at the biggest show in California for 2010. It was a 5 point major! Bruno is owner handled by Doug Newcomb and well supported by his other owner, Jenna Ford. This is Doug's first ever show dog! On the same weekend, Bruno also gained his TDI certificate, so his official name is now Am. Ch. Harmony's West Coast Heart Breaker, CGC, TDI. Congratulations to Doug, Jenna and Bruno's breeder, Monica Coyle. Also to his fabulous dad and mum ' Clinton and Dreamer.

  24 October 2010 'Callie' Grangeview Phantom O The Opera (AI) gets her Australian Champion Title

19 October 2010 - Am. Can Ch. Fireside's Major League Delight, Canada, has been confirmed pregnant to Clinton's frozen semen. At least six puppies were seen on the ultrasound and are due 18th November. Contact Annie Theriault, Abellio Mastiffs, Canada

9 October 2010 - The first puppy has left us. The apricot male, now named Zorro, has gone to live with Clive Saultry and his family. Clive formerly owned the very famous Bronx. Zorro's human dad is receiving a farewell kiss in this photo.

3 October 2010 - Country show and we decided to take the four puppies along for support for Callie. We were prepared with extra bedding, as well as water and towels to clean up 'accidents' but it wasn't needed! They slept most of the two hour drive and then took almost everything in their stride at the show. They were very keen to meet other dogs but not so keen to be on leads. Dad Watson and half-sister Dusty came along to meet them also. A very successful outing!

29 September 2010 - Monica Coyle - Harmony Mastiffs (USA) has left for home. What a wonderful time we had together! I miss her already but may catch up on some sleep now.

28 September 2010 ' 'Billy' Aust. Ch Brydonhall Black Knight (Aust. Ch. Yanoor Tip O The Iceberg (AI) x Aust. Ch. Marstenmoor Show Biz)  has been hip and elbow scored with very pleasing results. Hips AVA/BVA Right 0, Left 1 total 1/106. Elbows 0/2. A urine sample spun down showed no evidence of crystals.

28 September 2010 - Callie has been hip and elbow scored with very pleasing results. Hips AVA/BVA Right 3, Left 3 total 6/106. Elbows 0/1.

25 September 2010 - Royal Melbourne Show Group Specials. 'Billy' Aust. Ch Brydonhall Black Knight (Aust. Ch. Yanoor Tip O The Iceberg (AI) x Aust. Ch. Marstenmoor Show Biz) owned by Derek Chamberlain and Anne-Marie & Phil O'Grady and handled by Gabrielle Simmonds is a GROUP FINALIST.


22 September 2010 - Patsy x Watson puppies had their first vaccinations. Dr. Nicole who delivered them was so delighted to see these healthy, well adjusted Mastiffs. Photos on our eighth litter page.

21 September 2010 - Royal Melbourne Show. Aust. Ch Brydonhall Black Knight 'Billy' (Aust. Ch. Yanoor Tip O The Iceberg (AI) x Aust. Ch. Marstenmoor Show Biz) owned by Derek Chamberlain and Anne-Marie & Phil O'Grady and handled by Gabrielle Simmonds is awarded BEST of BREED. 'Amba' Marstenmoor Flaming Skyline handled by Monica Coyle is awarded Best Bitch, and 'Callie' Grangeview Phantom O The Opera (AI) is awarded Reserve Best Bitch. 18 entries.

20 September 2010 - Monica Coyle - Harmony Mastiffs (USA) arrived. She will stay for nine days of dogs, showing, sightseeing, eating, drinking and lots of fun. For details of her trip, see HERE

20 September 2010 - Am. Can Ch. Fireside's Major League Delight, Canada has been inseminated with Clinton's frozen semen. Contact Annie Theriault, Abellio Mastiffs, Canada

 19 September 2010 - Association of All Mastiff Breeds Championship Show.  'Callie' Grangeview Phantom O The Opera (AI) is awarded RUNNER-UP BEST of BREED, Best Bitch and Best Junior. 'Amba' Marstenmoor Flaming Skyline  is awarded Reserve Best Bitch. 25 entries.

31 August 2010 - Clinton is a dad again. Yangerdook Heres Lookin At U, 'Dakota', owned by Debbie & Brodie Hobbs of Yangerdook Mastiffs has had four brindle males and one fawn male delivered by c-section.

30 August 2010 - Phoenix is a mum again. She had three apricot males and one fawn bitch delivered by c-section. The sire is Ch. Yangerdook Showmedamoney, 'Zac'.

24 August 2010 ' Patsy's puppies have a solid meal. It was messy, more photos on our eighth litter page.

21 August 2010 ' Clinton's son in Canada, 'Kane', Sisu Rock You Like A Hurricane, was awarded Puppy in Group in all breeds competition. He was owner handled by his breeder, Taru Korrensuo.

6 August 2010 - Patsy's puppies have been delivered by c-section. She had 1 brindle male, 1 apricot male, 1 brindle female & 1 fawn female. A rainbow of colours! see more info on our eighth litter page.

4 August 2010 - "Yangerdook Here's Lookin At U" has been confirmed pregnant to Clinton

4 August 2010 - Phoenix has been confirmed pregnant to Yangerdook Showmedamoney. Puppies due late August.

27 June 2010 - 'Callie' (Grangeview Phantom O The Opera (AI)) is awarded Best Puppy in Group at the all breeds Dog Stewards Association Club Championship Show.

20 June 2010 - 'Callie' (Grangeview Phantom O The Opera (AI)) is awarded Best Puppy in Group at the all breeds Cranbourne Dog Club Championship Show.

14 June 2010 ' 'Billy' (Brydonhall Black Knight) has gained the points needed for his Australian Champion title. Congratulations to co-owner/handler, Derek Chamberlain, and breeders/co-owners, Anne-Marie and Phil O'Grady. 'Billy' is a full litter mate to our 'Morgan'.

2 June 2010 ' Gabrielle has returned from her adventure to the Mastiff Club of America National Specialty held in Eugene, Oregon. Six of Clinton's puppies were exhibited and did him proud. Congratulations to the breeders ' Monica Coyle of Harmony Mastiffs (USA) and Taru Korrensuo of Sissu Mastiffs (Canada), as well as all the dedicated owners.


25 April 2010 ' The Mastiff community lost a great ambassador today. 'Bronx' BISS, RUBISS, Aust. Ch. Yangerdook The Bronx (MCOV Companion of the Year 2007, Therapy Dog) crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge. Our heartfelt condolences are extended to Clive Saultry and family. Bronx touched the lives of so many and will be missed by many.

22 April 2010 ' Clinton has become a grandfather. Congratulations to Anne-Marie and Phil O'Grady on the arrival of their litter. Sire: 'Watson' Yangerdook R U Talking to Me x Dam: 'Poppy' Brydonhall Empire Rose.

6 April 2010 - Clinton's babies George & Gustav in Germany are now five weeks old


3 April 2010 - Clinton and his progeny did exceptionally well at the Mastiff Club of Victoria Inc. Championship Show.
Clinton - Best Open in Show; Best Head Dog; Best Brindle & Best Sire and Progeny
His son Morgan (Aust. Ch. Brydonhall Think Big) - Best Exhibit in Show; Best Dog & Best Australian Bred
His daughter Pumpkin (Yangerdook Black Magic)
- Runner up in Show, Best Bitch & Best Intermediate in Show
His son Sheedy (Brydonhall Might N Power) - Reserve Dog and Best Limit in Show
His daughter Callie (Grangeview Phantom O The Opera (AI)) - Best Minor Puppy in show

2 March 2010 - Clinton is a dad in Germany. Dolce Vita of the Cheese Hill (Dolce) owned by Uta Naumann of the Cheese Hill Mastiffs, has had two brindle males delivered by C-section. 

28 February 2010 - 'Callie' (Grangeview Phantom O The Opera (AI)) is awarded Best Minor Puppy in Group at the all breeds Eaglehawk Kennel Club Championship Show.

6 February 2010 - 'Callie' (Grangeview Phantom O The Opera (AI)) is awarded Best Baby Puppy in Show at the all breeds Classic Dog Championship Show (1004 show entries).

26 January 2010 - Dolce Vita of the Cheese-Hill, Germany, has been confirmed pregnant to Clinton's frozen semen. Puppies are due mid March.

7 January 2010 - Daydream-Diva von der Villa Graf, France, has been confirmed pregnant to Clinton's frozen semen. Puppies are due mid February. Unfortunately, an ultrasound of Yangerdook Itsallaboutme, Australia, has failed to show any puppies.

2 January 2010 - Dolce Vita of the Cheese-Hill, Germany has been inseminated with Clinton's frozen semen.

23 December 2009 - Gabrielle and Clinton appear in the Pakenham Gazette Newspaper, click here to see article.

7 December 2009 - Yangerdook Itsallaboutme has been mated to Clinton. See Planned Litters for more details.

5 December 2009 - Morgan gains the points for his Australian Champion title.

Callie competes in her first show in the Baby Puppy class (3 - 6 months). She had a wonderful day at the show!

1 December 2009 - Daydream - Diva von der Villa Graf from France has been inseminated with Clinton's semen.

24 November 2009 - Clinton's 13 week old daughter 'Callie' (Grangeview Phantom O The Opera (AI)) has arrived in Melbourne from Queensland to be shown by Gabrielle over the summer. Thanks to her breeders, Glenda Daviss and Mark McHiggins, for 'loaning' her to us for a couple of months.

19 November 2009 - 'Clinton' appears in the Leader newspaper promoting the DOGS Victoria Therapy Dog program.

Friendly giant brings calm to psychatric patients in Berwick

Casey Adult Psychiatric Unit patient Jonathan with Clinton the giant mastiff.

THIS 109kg pooch will make you paws for a smile.
Clinton, the purebred mastiff, brought laughter to Berwick last week when he visited patients at Southern Health's Casey Adult Psychiatric Unit as part of Dogs Victoria's Therapy Dogs Program.
His Emerald owner, Dogs Victoria volunteer Gabrielle Simmonds, said it was the first time the program had been tried in a psychiatric ward.
'Traditionally the dogs visit patients in aged-care homes but we branched out and the response has been wonderful,' she said.
'The patients really interact with him and he loves the attention.'
Patient Jonathan, 40, said Clinton made him feel 'calm and happy'.
'He has a rough calmness about him but he's very placid and he doesn't judge anyone, he just loves our company,' he said.
Nurse unit manager Kristy-Lee Alan said the program brought a positive energy to the ward.
'Some patients are often fearful to come out of their rooms but animals seem to relax them, triggering happy childhood memories and bringing them out of their shell,' she said.


October 2009 - Modern Molosser Magazine features an article on our Mastiff collection, 'Confessions of a Collector'. To read the article click here.

24 October 2009 - Morgan is awarded Best Australian Bred in Group at the Bendigo Agricultural Show.

13 October 2009 - Clinton is a dad in the USA AM. CH. GOLDLEAF'S HOT SUMMERS DREAMER (Dreamer) owned by Monica Coyle of Harmony Mastiffs, has had seven puppies delivered by C-section. The litter consists of two brindle males, one apricot male, three fawn males and one fawn bitch.

13 October 2009 - Clinton's babies in Canada are now five weeks old.

October 2009 Bronx is nominated as the 'pin-up' boy for the Lort Smith Animal Hospital and appears on an inner-city billboard. See pictures under Bronx to view.


22 September 2009 -  Royal Melbourne Show. Brydonhall Think Big is awarded BEST of BREED whilst Yangerdook Heres Lookin At U (BISS Aust. Ch. Yangerdook Showmedamoney x BISS Aust. Ch. Yanoor Fire N Ice (AI)) is awarded Best Bitch & Runner-Up Best of Breed from the Junior class.  18 entries.


22 September 2009 -  The Herald Sun newspaper. Bronx (BISS Aust. Ch. Yangerdook The Bronx) appears in the newspaper promoting his therapy dog work for the Lort Smith Animal Hospital.


11th September 2009 -  'Dreamer', Am Ch. Goldleaf's Hot Summer Dreamer, has been confirmed pregnant to Clinton's frozen semen. Puppies due mid October.


 4th September 2009 - Royal Adelaide Show. Brydonhall Think Big is awarded Dog Challenge whilst Yangerdook Heres Lookin At U (BISS Aust. Ch.Yangerdook Showmedamoney x BISS Aust. Ch Yanoor Fire N Ice (AI)) is awarded Best of Breed from the Junior class. 9 entries.

 1st September 2009 - Clinton is a dad in Canada. 'Tess', Am/Can Ch. Cedarhollows Rock  N Roll Fantasy CGC CGN TDI, owned by Taru Korenssuo and David Barnes of Sisu Mastiffs, Shannon Low of Resolute Mastiffs, and Jamie and Allen Morris of Cedarhollow Mastiffs, has had four puppies delivered by c-section. The litter consists of one brindle male, one apricot male, one brindle bitch and one fawn bitch.

26th August 2009 - Clinton is a dad in Queensland, Australia. 'Monique', Grangeview Monique, owned by Glenda Daviss and Mark McHiggins of Grangeview Mastiffs, has had four puppies delivered by c-section. The litter consists of two brindle males, one fawn male and one apricot bitch.

16th August 2009 -  Am Ch. Goldleafs Hot Summers Dreamer has been inseminated with Clinton's frozen semen.

11th August 2009 -  Am / CAN Ch. Cedarhollows Rock N Roll Fantasy has been confirmed pregnant to Clinton's frozen semen. Pups due early September.

July 2009 -  Grangreview Monique has been confirmed pregnant to Clinton. Puppies due early September.

27th July 2009 -  Our new puppy has arrived Gammonwood Dauntless Grace (AI) (Ash) follow link for more info


6th April 2009 -  Patsy has delivered two puppies - one fawn male and one fawn apricot bitch. Click here to jump to the litter page. Click here to see the one we kept Marstenmoor Flaming Skyline (Flame)


4th April 2009 -  We are very proud of the following results from the Mastiff Club of Victoria Inc. Championship show;

Breeder or Co-Breeder of - Best Exhibit, Challenge Bitch, Best Australian Bred, Best Bitch Head, Best Sire and Progeny, Best Dam & Progeny, Reserve Challenge Bitch and First Desexed Sweepstakes
Owners of - Runner up to Best Exhibit, Challenge Dog, Best Open, Best Limit, Reserve Challenge Dog, Best Baby Puppy, Best Sire & Progeny, Best Brindle, Best Apricot and First Desexed Sweepstakes.

For further results please go to the Mastiff Club of Victoria website.

27th March 2009 -  Aust Ch. Yanoor Tip O The Iceberg (AI) (Clinton) passes his Therapy Dog assessment.

12th March 2009 -  Brydonhall Think Big takes out Best in Competition at the Cranbourne Dog Club members' event (95 entries)
Grangeview On A Mission (AI) is also awarded Baby Puppy in Group at the same competition.

14th February 2009 -  Brydonhall Think Big has commenced his show career. Best of Breed at his first eligible show.

4th February 2009 -  BIS Australian Ch. Yanoor Ice Maiden (AI) has been mated to RUBISS Yangerdook Harlem Knight

Sat. 16th January 2009 -

 Tiffany (Grangeview On A Mission (AI)) is awarded Best Baby Puppy in Group at her very first show.

14th December 2008 -  Grangeview On A Mission (AI), "Tiffany" is brought back to Melbourne from Brisbane by Gabrielle. She is nine weeks old and still a size that can be cuddled. She is delightful. Special thanks to her breeders Glenda & Mark.
Click here to read Tiffany's Christmas / New Year Diary.  

Gabrielle's trip to Europe 2008. For a full report click on the attached pdf. TRIP REPORT (6mb)